Wolcott Elementary 5th and 6th graders in Ms. Shedd’s science classes are participating in the Vermont Fish and Wildlife’s “Trout in the Classroom” program, which brings the science of Vermont’s aquatic ecosystems into schools across the state.
Wolcott students are raising brook trout right in the classroom for the second year in a row in a special tank on loan from Mad Dog Trout Unlimited. The students monitor and support the trout from eggs through the beginning of their life cycle, learning about early trout development and anatomy, habitat, water chemistry, life cycles, environmental issues, and human impact on aquatic resources. Later this spring, the students will release the trout into the Lamoille River, right in their backyard! Last year, Wolcott students released 47 fish into the river, and they are problem solving ways to improve the fishes’ tank survival rate so that more can be released this year.
Students in these photos are testing for pH, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, and Kh. Students also spend time removing uneaten food from the tank to help prevent a buildup of ammonia in the water which is harmful to fish.